美術館 終了
- 会期
- 2013年9月2日(月)-11月16日(土)
- 時間
- 10:00ー18:00(土曜、特別開館日は17:00閉館)
- 休館日
- 入館料
- 会場
武蔵野美術大学美術館 展示室2
- 主催
武蔵野美術大学 美術館・図書館 / Goethe-Institut Tokyo(東京ドイツ文化センター)
- 共催
武蔵野美術大学 造形研究センター
- 協力
- 監修
今井良朗(武蔵野美術大学 芸術文化学科教授)
このたび、武蔵野美術大学 美術館・図書館では「13人のドイツ・コミック作家展」を開催いたします。
1: 「13人のドイツ・コミック作家」
第二次世界大戦中のゾルゲ事件などをテーマにしているイザベル・クライツ (Isabel Kreitz 1967-)や、コンピューターグラフィックや木版画の技法などを組み合わせた作品を発表しているヘニング・ヴァーゲンブレット (Henning Wagenbreth 1962-)、日本の現代のマンガに強い影響を受けたクリスティーナ・プラカ (Christina Plaka1983-)など様々なタイプの、若手を中心としたコミック作家13名を取り上げます。
また、参考展示としてドイツ・コミックの源流と言える作家、ヴィルヘルム・ブッシュ(Wilhelm Busch 1832-1908)が寄稿した19世紀から20世紀中頃まで発行されていた風刺画雑誌 “Fliegende Blätter”(一橋大学附属図書館所蔵)や、その後に出版された“Münchener Bilderbogen”(当館所蔵)も展示します。
2: 「コミック文化の影響を受けた現代の表現」
The Musashino Art University Museum and Library is proud to present 13 German Comic Artists.
This traveling exhibition has already toured the USA, Romania, the Philippines, the UK, and Thailand, and, in Japan, Kyoto and Nara. We are proud to host it in Tokyo, in a joint project of our museum and the Goethe Institut. The exhibition at our museum includes, along with the touring exhibition itself, works and materials related to the origins of German comic art and works by Japanese artists influenced by comic culture.
1. 13 German Comic Artists
This exhibition offers visitors a rare opportunity to explore German comic art, which is more rarely exhibited in Japan than American comics or bande dessinée comic strips from Belgium and France. Presenting the works of thirteen German artists, this exhibition is focused primarily on the work of younger artists, including Isabel Kreitz (b. 1967), whose theme is the Sorge incident during WWII, Henning Wagenbreth (b. 1962), whose work combines computer graphic and woodblock printing techniques, and Christina Plaka (b. 1983), who has been powerfully influenced by contemporary Japanese manga.
To illustrate the background of these works, the exhibition will also include caricatures by Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908). Often described as the origin of German comic art, these works, on loan from the collection of the Hitotsubashi University Library, were contributed by Busch to the humor magazine Fliegende Blätter, which was published from the 19th through the mid-20th century. Also included in the exhibition will be illustrations from a later magazine, the Münchener Bilderbogen, from our own collection.
2. The Impact of Comic Culture on Contemporary Expression
Comic culture has had an enormous influence on contemporary art.
For this section we have focused on the world of art and design in Japan and chosen works by two artists on whom that influence has been especially profound. Kazuki UMEZAWA (aka Umelabo, b. 1985) collects images from the vast assortment of anime, manga, and game characters on the Web, creates collages of them, and adds his own distinctive touches. Noriyuki TANAKA(b. 1959) is active in graphic design, photography, film, and performance. For this exhibition we have selected manga that illustrate his distinctive use of onomatopoeia.
Organized by Musashino Art University Museum and Library / Goethe-Institut Tokyo
Coorganized by Musashino Art University Research Center for Art and Design
Supported by Kyoto International Manga Museum
September 2(Mon)-November 16(Sat), 2013 *Special open days : Sep. 23, Oct. 27, Nov. 4
Closed on Sundays and National Holidays.
Opening Hours: 10:00〜18:00(Saturdays and Special open day : 10:00-17:00)
Musashino Art University Museum Gallery 2
Admission free
Supervised by Yoshiro Imai (Professor at MAU, Department of Arts Policy and Management)
